Hi! My name is Steve Alien and I`m on a mission to find intelligent life on earth. Something tells me this is gonna be a difficult, maybe even impossible, but defenitly not easy. As I`m crucing through the universe with my Space Positioning System I`m thinking too myself: "What kind of intelligence would choose to live so remote as earth? How smart can they be when they choose to live there? My spacefathers left earth a long time ago. They where bored to death being so far away from the centre of the universe. When technology cathed up, they went as far away as they could possibly get only to discover that they came back to where they started.
Full circle. After that, humanoids stopped traveling out in space and started going
into space. This is why I have so much difficulties finding the planet cause they forgot to write down the space cordinates before they left. Generations came and went and earth was left in oblivion - untill a space radar picked up a planet on Space Mapps nobody had seen before. The discovery led to great enthusiasm.
Maybe we`re not alone in the universe. Our spacefathers newer found more life in the centre of the universe. Instead they forgot where they came from and restarted on the promised planet. Since enough time has passed for new life to grow on earth it is my job to go there and find out. My name is Steve Alien and I`m on a mission to find intelligent life on earth. This is my spaceblog.
Photo licensed by nasaimages.org